Yvonne’s New Garden in Virginia

Today we’re visiting with Yvonne Tsikata.

My old garden was previously featured in GPOD. In 2017, we moved from that house to a new one. While sad to leave my old garden, I was excited at tripling my garden space and receiving the opportunity to start a new garden from scratch. Retiring a couple of years ago gave me even more time to garden. I had spent a lot of time thinking about what I liked from many visits to gardens in the UK, Ireland, and France. I realized that I actually like a little bit of everything: formality and symmetry, woodland shade gardens, meadows, and Japanese gardens! So the garden has lots of “rooms,” with a different feel in each one. It’s still a work in progress and will be five years old in March. After doing some of the hardscaping in the old house, I got professional help with the stonework and walkways in this one, as it was beyond my capabilities. This set of pictures shows some early summer and winter scenes to contrast three of the “subgardens.” I love structure and stone and have used lots of evergreens. Roses are a huge passion. In the growing season, I spend a minimum of four hours in the garden every day. It’s truly my happy place.

blank slate of grass waiting to be turned into a gardenThe new garden in the early days—truly a blank slate

fountain center piece in the middle of a round rose gardenFormality in the rose garden: Buxus ‘Green Velvet’ and ‘Green Mountain’ (Zones 5–8), climbing roses (‘Eden’ on left and ‘Zepherine Drouhin’ on right), assorted David Austin roses (‘Geoff Hamilton’, ‘Darcy Bussell’, ‘Princess Alexandra of Kent’, ‘Charlotte’, and ‘Golden Celebration’), Nepeta ‘Cat’s Pajamas’ (Zones 3–8) and phenomenal lavender (Lavandula ‘Phenomenal’, Zones 5–9) under the fountain.

wider view of the pathway leading to the center of the rose gardenA wider view of the formal rose garden

snowy covered rose gardenThe rose garden dressed in white for the winter

green and white garden with a sphere centerpiece The green-and-white garden: Hydrangea arborescens ‘Annabelle’ (Zones 3–9) and Salix integra ‘Hakuro-Nishiki’ (Zones 5–8) standards, underplanted with Hakonechloa macra ‘Aureola’ (Zones 5–9), Mazus reptans ‘Alba’ (Zones 5–9), Dicentra spectablis ‘Alba’ (Zones 2–8), Agapanthus africanus ‘Alba’ (Zones 7–10), Hosta ‘June’ (Zones 3–9) and‘Mount Hood’ daffodils (Narcissus ‘Mount Hood’, Zones 3–8) and Galanthus elwesii (Zones 4–7) in the spring.

white and green garden covered in snowIn winter, it becomes the white-and-white garden.

Japanese-inspired GardenJapanese-inspired garden: Hollywood juniper (Juniperus chinensis ‘Torulosa’, Zones 5–9), Spirea ‘Candy Corn’ (Zones 4–8), Acer ‘Orangeola’ and ‘Red Dragon’ (Zones 5–9), Hakonechloa ‘Aureola’ (Zones 5–9), Nandina (Zones 6–9), and mystery hostas (gifts).

Japanese-inspired garden in winter.And the Japanese-inspired garden in winter

Published at Thu, 27 Jan 2022 03:00:45 -0500

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