Speaking Live in Blountstown Friday and Saturday!

Today I am headed to Blountstown, Florida to give three talks at the Keepers of the Old Ways Survival Expo.

Here is the schedule:

You can learn more on the Facebook page here. And on the event page here.

I think you can buy tickets at the event, though I’m not sure.

Though it looks like I’m giving the same talk three times, I am not, though all three talks relate to Florida Survival Gardening.

I will cover simple methods, soil improvement, Grocery Row Gardening and more in my presentations, with a different focus in each talk.

In which order will be determined during my drive, since I spent part of this week sick and didn’t get to prep as much as I would have liked. That’s what the car ride is for, right?

For those of you that can’t make it, I hope to record my talks. They may be available on the YouTube channel, probably for members.

Hope to see you there.

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Published at Thu, 27 Jan 2022 11:07:42 -0500

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