GPOD on the Road: Sarah P. Duke Gardens, Part 2

Today is part 2 of our visit to the Sarah P. Duke Gardens in Durham, North Carolina, with Teresa Watkins.

BirdhousesBirdhouses in the gardens

Vegetable gardensVegetable gardens with the fire of fall foliage behind them

yellow chrysanthemums with Japanese mapleHuge, beautiful, yellow chrysanthemums with Japanese maple (Acer palmatum, Zones 5–9) foliage behind them beginning to color up

ChrysanthemumsChrysanthemums are incredibly variable. This simple daisy form shows off the dramatic coloring of the petals beautifully.

purple mumThere is a fascinating combination of colors in this mum. Often we think of mums as just the standard, slightly boring, cushion mums sold everywhere potted for a fall display, but they are one of the oldest cultivated flowers, with an incredibly long history of breeding and display in Asia. Many varieties can develop huge, intricate blooms that are anything but common.

spider-form chrysanthemumTo display the huge, unusual flowers of these spider-form chrysanthemums to their highest potential, each plant is carefully pruned, each stem is staked, and many of the flower buds are removed so the flowers that do develop grow large and perfect.

Pure white mumsThese pure white mums offer such a fresh color against the ruddy colors of fall.

yellow mum

spherical bloomThis form is called incurve, with each petal rolling in to make a nearly spherical bloom.

yellow mumNarrow, rolled petals give this mum an airy, unusual look.

Published at Fri, 26 Nov 2021 03:00:40 -0500

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